Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS): Entering the Genomics and Neuroscience Era of Addiction Medicine
The United Scientific Group (USG) has decided to establish a new journal on “Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS)”. Professors Kenneth Blum and Rajendra D. Badgaiyan have been selected as Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editor-in-Chief, respectively to develop the most intensive compilation of current research into all related fields of diagnosis, neuroimaging, neurogenetics, neurobiology, neuroepigenetics, neuropsychopharamcology, nutrition, toxicology, treatment, prevention tactics and strategies for attenuation of relapse and enhancement of quality of life during recovery. Each paper following rigorous peer review will be a selected publication in an open access forum. Initially there will be four issues a year. The journal will be devoted to not only original research but current opinions as well as will seek out novel an important research especially as it relates to both basic scientific concepts and translational applications.
This journal seems quite relevant given the horrific statistics of the multitude of society caught up in throws of many addictive behaviors (Reward Deficiency Syndrome [RDS]): drugs & alcohol, food, smoking, overeating (obesity) and other eating disorders (e.g. anorexia, bulimia), pathological gambling, sex; internet gaming and other known repetitive behaviors (Process Addictions). A quick PUBMED search reveals that there are currently at least 37,023 studies published in peer reviewed journals.
One hundred years ago these journals on addiction were focused on issues related to women’s drinking and the impact on motherhood, eugenics, and alcohol as an agent of physical and social degeneration, the prevention and treatment of the inebriate and of cause the need for legislation to prevent female inebriates from barring children. This legislation in America led to the undertow of the temperance sentiment and subsequent prohibition of alcohol beverage sales. Currently, in an explosive era of genomics and neuroimaging our understanding of the neurochemical and genetic aspects of not only drugs of abuse but many process addictions on a molecular level has revealed an enormous amount of information particularly related to uncovering neuro-scientific based mechanisms.
While the epidemic of addictive behaviors unfortunately continues on a global sphere, we the editors of this important and, promising new and exciting journal on RDS strongly believe that the bringing together of the greatest global scientific minds from many disciplines including but not limited to: psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, molecular genetics, pharmacology, nutrition, physiology, physics, mathematics, bioinformatics, neuroquantology, nursing biology, and medicine, will enlighten the entire field and provide new insights, quests and novel approaches that will be a springboard for future generations.
The Journal of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (JRDS) will provide a platform for understanding of the commonality of brain function in substance and non-substance addictive behaviors. Exploration of the resting state functionality of the entire brain reward circuitry and associated extended networks provides the basis for a remarkable list of addictive behaviors that share common brain mechanisms. Those mechanisms that include Prefrontal Cortices and memory, etc. are being elucidated in thousands of neuroimaging reports worldwide.
We welcome articles from both bench and bedside that promise to deliver well researched and sound minded work from a multidisciplinary community of academicians (basic science) and professionals (clinical science) alike. The members of the editorial board of the RDS journal are well versed in the science of brain reward circuitry and clinical outcomes of victims of RDS. Each submitted paper will be given appropriate attention and accepted only after rigorous peer review. As an open access journal, we are dedicated to a rapid review process and a fair-minded approach without bias.